•  AP's Tony Read instructing at Inner Space 2013
    Photo by Greg Regnier

Instructor Registration

Are you a qualified Inspiration CCR Instructor? If you wish to be included in our Instructor Database please fill in the form below and click the SEND button. A member of the AP Diving team will be in touch once they have verified your details and then add you to the database.

    Customer Details

    * = Required Fields

    First Name*




    Daytime Phone Number*

    Evening Phone Number*

    Your Email*

    Sign up to Receive Inspiration-User Emails

    For Inspiration-Users only - the email newsletter is an infrequent thing but an essential way for us to keep you informed about any changes to existing products, relay any safety issues or recommended new practices, release important updates (for example new software) and from time to time, introduce new products or put out any other news.

    We strongly recommend that you sign up to the User Email Newsletter below to stay in touch and stay informed.

    Please tick here, If you want to join the Inspiration-User Mailing List

    You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting us or by clicking that option at the foot of the newsletter.

    Rebreather Details

    Place of Purchase*

    Date of Purchase*

    Scrubber Assembly Serial Number*

    Buoyancy Compensator Serial Number


    If Used, who was the Previous Owner

    Proof of Certification (2MB Limit) PDF, JPG, GIF, DOC, DOCX and PNG


    AP Diving practices a comprehensive GDPR compliant data protection policy and we will never unlawfully share or sell your data with a third party.